We have included information about a range of other useful services, resources and organisations that may be of use to you.
Counselling and bereavement support for adults
- Sunflowers Suicide Support – Gloucestershire based charity providing support following the loss of a loved one to suicide. Sunflowers offer a range of both practical and emotional support through one to one sessions and support group meetings. Call 01453 826990 or 07542 527 888 or email: info@sunflowerssuicidesupport.org.uk For more information, please visit this link
- Survivors Of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS) - National charity providing peer support and a helpline - Call 0300 111 5065 9am-9pm Monday to Friday or visit this link
- Cruse Bereavement – Helpline and face to face counselling for anyone affected by any kind of bereavement. The helpline is open Monday-Friday 9.30-5pm (excluding bank holidays), with extended hours on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, when we’re open until 8pm. National Helpline 0808 808 1677 or visit this link . Gloucestershire Cruse provide counselling and can be contacted on 01242 252 518
- Jewish Bereavement Counselling Service - Providing counselling to people who are bereaved We understand the specific issues raised by bereavement within a Jewish Context . For more information visit this link or call 020 8951 3881
- The Compassionate Friends - Providing support for bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents dedicated to the support and care of other similarly bereaved family members who have suffered the death of a child or children of any age and from any cause. Call 0345 123 2304 or visit this link
- Suicide & Co – Provides a range of support from information, practical advice and help and counselling for those over 18 who have been bereaved by suicide. (Suicide & Co will only take applications for counselling provided at least 6 months have passed since bereavement). For more information, please visit this link
- Suicide Bereaved Community - A community of people who have suffered bereavement by suicide, an experience that can bring its own set of difficulties often resulting in loneliness and isolation. They believe it is important to have connections with others who, because they share it, truly understand our experience. They provide support for people aged 18 and over in Gloucestershire by providing opportunities for social get-togethers and for networking, both online and in person. They provide relaxed networking and connections with those aged 18 years and above who have experienced similar bereavement. To find out more visit this link
- Good Grief Trust - Exists to help all those suffering grief in the UK. We aim to find the bereaved, acknowledge their grief and provide reassurance, a virtual hand of friendship and ongoing support. They support anyone bereaved under any circumstances. You can call their Sudden Bereavement Helpline on 0800 2600 400 or visit this link
- SLOW (Surviving the Loss of Your World) - A free service offering support for bereaved parents and siblings in London since 2007. This includes online bereavement support groups in SLOW supports all bereaved parents and siblings, irrespective of whether their child was an adult or a baby or the varying circumstances in which they died. To find out more you can 07532 423 674 and visit this link
- Gloucestershire Counselling Service - They provide high quality, individual and couples Counselling & Training at an affordable cost to the people of Gloucestershire and surrounding areas. To find out more you can 01453 766310 and visit this link
- AtaLoss provides the UK’s bereavement signposting and information website, enabling bereaved people to find tailored support and practical information all in one place. They aim to help prevent mental ill-health, promote well-being and help people move forward with their lives following loss. To find out more visit this link
Mental Health & Emotional Support Services
- Maytree – A unique residential service for people in suicidal crisis so they can talk about their suicidal thoughts and behaviour. We offer a free 4 night, 5 day one-off stay to adults over the age of 18 from across the UK – Call 020 7263 7070 or visit this link
- CandO (Connect and Offload) – provides anonymous and confidential person centred wellbeing support through telephone, text, or web chat. Our team will listen to you and help you navigate the most useful support for you at that time – whether this be emotional and or practical support. The team can access a wide variety of online self-care tools and resources, which they can explore with you and if appropriate, signpost you to other sources of support both nationally and within Gloucestershire. The Helpline is available 365 days a year between the hours of 2 pm and 9 pm. You can contact us by telephone on 0808 801 0606 or text on 07537 410 022 or by email: cando@rethink.org . For more information, visit this link
- QWELL –online emotional wellbeing and mental health support offering a mix of community and professional support for anyone over the age of 18. For more information, visit this link
Suicide Bereavement and Prevention Organisations
- Support After Suicide Partnership (SASP) - brings together suicide bereavement organisations and people with lived experience, to give practical and emotional support for anyone bereaved by suicide.You can visit the website here
- National Suicide Prevention Alliance (NSPA) - The National Suicide Prevention Alliance (NSPA) is an alliance of public, private and voluntary organisations in England who care about suicide prevention and are willing to take individual and collective action to reduce suicide and support those bereaved or affected by suicide. You can visit the website here
- Suicide Bereavement UK - conducts suicide bereavement research, provides consultancy on post-vention and develops and delivers evidence based and evaluated training. They include people with lived experience of bereavement by suicide into their work and develop resources for people who are bereaved. You can visit their website here
Mental Health Helplines
- Samaritans - confidential 24/7 emotional support - Call 116 123 or visit this link
- SaneLine – national out of hours helpline open everyday from 3pm to 10.30pm on 0300 304 7000 or visit this link
- C.A.L.M – national mental health helpline open everyday from 5pm to midnight on 0800 58 58 58 or visit this link
- Papryus – Confidential helpline for people under the age of 35 who are experiencing thoughts of suicide – Call 0800 068 41 41 or text 07860 039967 or visit this link
- Shout – Confidential national text message helpline. Text 85258 or visit this link
Useful Websites and Apps
- Stay Alive App - The Stay Alive app is a suicide prevention resource for the UK, packed full of useful information and tools to help you stay safe in crisis. You can use it if you are having thoughts of suicide or if you are concerned about someone else who may be considering suicide. This app is free can be downloaded for Iphone and Android Phones. Visit this link
- Mental Health and Money Advice - The first UK-wide mental health and money advice service dedicated to supporting people affected by mental health and money issues. You can access a range of tools and information via the website by visiting this link
Support for Children and Young People
Although we do not support people under the age of 18, we will direct people to services which can support children and young people, so that they are not left without support.
The following organisations can provide support:
- Winston’s Wish – Helpline to provide guidance and advice to help support families and the children in families who have been bereaved by suicide. Call on 08088 020 021 (9am – 5pm, Monday – Friday), or visit this link
- ChildLine – Helpline for any child under 18 years old, open 24/7 – Call 0800 1111 or visit this link
- tic+ - provides a range of emotional support for young people aged between 9 and 21 including counselling, anonymous 121 support and support for parents. For more information on how to access this support, please visit this link
- Child Bereavement Trust - Providing free support to help children and young people (up to age 25), parents, and families, to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies. Call 0800 02 888 40 or visit this link
- Grief Encounter - Providing free services and support to bereaved children, young people and their families to support children through bereavement for a parent or someone else they were close to. Call 0808 802 0111 or visit this link