About the campaign 

Mental illness does not exist on its own. It is often driven or made worse by poor housing, money worries, unstable employment and loneliness. That is why there was a great deal of enthusiasm for the government’s promised 10-year Plan for Mental Health and Wellbeing.  

It was hoped the plan would deliver action across government departments to tackle the causes of mental illness at a time when demand for treatment and support is soaring like never before.  

The government’s decision to scrap the plan showed a failure to prioritise the nation’s mental health. When the news broke, many people living with severe mental illness got in touch to tell us how disappointed they were. We simply could not stand by and not act.  

More than 600 campaigners emailed their MP to demanding the government publish the plan. Whilst they are yet to uphold their promise, the campaign has made a difference.  

We received assurances that the experiences of people living with severe mental illness who fed into the plan will help shape the government’s major conditions strategy, which will include mental health. In addition to this, many Labour and Liberal Democrat MPs have given their support for a mental health plan which is extremely encouraging. 

We won’t stop until a specific cross-government mental health plan becomes a reality.  

Make your voice heard and join us by becoming a campaigner today.