Mental Health First Aid (Youth)


This course qualifies you as a Youth Mental Health First Aider, giving you:

  • An in-depth understanding of young people’s mental health and factors that affect wellbeing
  • Practical skills to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues 
  • Confidence to reassure and support a young person in distress
  • Enhanced interpersonal skills such as non-judgemental listening 
  • Knowledge to help a young person recover their health by guiding them to further support – whether that’s through self-help sites, their place of learning, the NHS, or a mix – engaging with parents, carers and external agencies where appropriate
  • Ability to support a young person with a long-term mental health issue or disability to thrive
  • Tools to look after your own mental wellbeing ​

Format (as taken from Mental Health First Aid England)

  • This course can be delivered online through the MHFA England Online Learning Hub or in-person
  • When delivered online, learning takes place through four live training sessions, spread across two weeks, with self-learning activities in between. See course structure section below for more detail 
  • When delivered in-person, learning takes place through two full-day sessions
  • Each session is built around a Mental Health First Aid action plan
  • We limit numbers to 16 people per course so that the instructor can keep people safe and supported while they learn

Delegates will receive:

  • A certificate of attendance to say you are a Youth Mental Health First Aider
  • A Youth MHFA manual to refer to whenever you need it
  • A workbook including some helpful tools to support your own mental health

How do I book?

Contact our training team by emailing or by calling 0333 222 5878.

Course outline

Session 1: Introduction

Individual Learning (1 hour 15 mins)

Live Session (2 hours 30 mins)

Introduction to the Online Youth Mental Health First Aid course and the Online Learning Hub

Introduction to the course

Activity 1: Why Youth Mental Health First Aid?

Outline of live session 1, the value of Youth Mental Health First Aid

Activity 2: What is ALGEE? 

Introduce ALGEE 

Activity 3: What is mental health?

Recap what mental health is 

Activity 4: Mental health and stigma 

Recap the Mental Health Continuum 

Activity 5: Mental health quiz: Impact of mental health


Activity 6: Risk and protective factors for mental health 

Recap why Youth Mental Health First Aid is important 

Activity 7: The Stress Container 

Recap risk and protective factors 


The Stress Container 


The Frame of Reference 

Session 2: Depression, Anxiety and Self-care

Individual Learning (1 hour 45 mins)

Live Session (2 hours 10 mins)

Activity 8: Your Stress Container

Introduction to live session 2

Activity 9: Your Frame of Reference

Recap of homework after live session 1

Activity 10: What is depression?

Recap depression 

Activity 11: What is anxiety?

Signs and symptoms of depression in a young person 


Recap anxiety 


Signs and symptoms of anxiety in a young person 


ALGEE for depression and anxiety in a young person 


ALGEE for depression and anxiety, action 1 


ALGEE for depression and anxiety, action 2-5


Self-care and close 

Session 3: Suicide and Psychosis

Individual Learning (1 hour 20 mins)

Live Session (2 hours 5 mins)

Activity 12: Adolescent brain development

Introduction to live session 3

Activity 13: About suicide

Recap suicide

Activity 14: Suicide risk factors

Explore the impact of suicidal feelings

Activity 15: What is psychosis?

ALGEE for suicidal crisis

Activity 16: Lived experience of psychosis

Practice non-judgemental listening skills

Activity 17: ALGEE for psychosis

Recap psychosis


Recap warning signs and symptoms of psychosis


Recap ALGEE for psychosis

Session 4: Self-harm, Eating disorders, Recovery and Action planning

Individual Learning (1 hour 35 mins)

Live Session (2 hours 25 mins)

Activity 18: What is self-harm?

Introduction to live session 4

Activity 19: What are eating disorders?

Recap self-harm, the self-harm continuum

Activity 20: Resilience

Warning signs of self-harm in young people

Workbook activity 7: My action plan for using Youth Mental Health First Aid (completed after live session)

ALGEE for self-harm


Recap eating disorders


ALGEE for eating disorders


Applying MHFA to family and carers; the Recovery Tree


Evaluation forms and close