Thank you for supporting Rethink Mental Illness

Your support helps us improve the lives of those affected by mental illness.

Here is some of the impact we have made last year.

Our movement of passionate campaigners has successfully campaigned to get the UK government to:

  • Include mental health as a key priority in the NHS England Long Term Plan
  • Drop Harmful plans for supported housing funding, meaning people living with mental illness have the support they need to thrive in the community and stay well
  • Commit to an independent review of the Mental Health Act to look at how it is used and can work better for everyone that it affects
  • Make sure people with mental illness are eligible for higher rates of Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

Since being out of hospital it is so nice to placed in a very caring, kind and supported environment to keep me well. Whenever I have had to speak to staff I have always been listened to.


23, London.