About mental illness
If you are worried that you, or a loved one may be experiencing mental illness then this section can tell you more about different conditions and symptoms that you might come across
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Living with mental illness
Mental illness can affect many areas of your life. But we are here to help. This section has information on many aspects of your daily life, from physical health to work and education.
More about living with mental illness More about living with mental illness
Our advice service
Rights, restrictions & benefits
If you have a mental illness then there you may be entitled to support and benefits to help. There may also be some restrictions that you should be aware of, such as driving and insurance. This section tells you all you need to know.
More about Rights, restrictions & benefits More about Rights, restrictions & benefits -
Carer's hub
If you are a carer for someone with mental illness it can feel difficult to support you loved one or to get the answers you might need. This section has all you need to know about looking after your loved one.
Visit our carers hub Visit our carers hub