Severe Mental illness & Covid 19: Service support and digital solutions

Report published 17 June 2020 by Jonathan Moore.

This briefing shares the insights that Rethink Mental Illness has gleaned on service support and digital solutions during the pandemic. Some of these insights are based on online research we have conducted with service users, which we have plans to continue, as well as information we have gleaned from our services.

Some of these are existing services, others have been launched in response to or adapted as a result of the crisis. We have also include proposals we believe could offset the impact of the pandemic, benefitting service users and carers and reducing inappropriate pressure on the system itself.

Unsurprisingly, there is no single overarching finding or one size fits all solution. Experiences and available support vary from person to person and place to place. How do deal with many of the problems that have arisen during the pandemic is inherently complex and challenging.

Despite these nuances, there is an arc that suggests that the more severely affected by mental illness a person is, the less likely they are to find that digital support meets their needs. Although there will always be variations from person to person and service to service.

The following sets out some of the challenges people severely affected by mental illness have faced during the pandemic, poses questions and suggestions on how they could be addressed, and sets out how Rethink Mental Illness itself has adapted to this new environment.

Main report

This report is divided into serveral parts. Please use the arrow to the right to open each section. A link to download this report as a PDF can be found at the bottom of this article.

For further information on this briefing, please contact Jonathan Moore, Head of Social Policy, at in the first instance.