Rethink Mental Illness Lived Experience Advisory Board

Our Lived Experience Advisory Board (LEAB) is a diverse, supportive, inclusive forum for people who have lived experience of mental ill health, are passionate about supporting mental health and want to help us make a difference in mental health policy and services. 

Established in 2017, LEAB is a driving force of lived experience involvement at Rethink Mental Illness. LEAB are actively involved in shaping our services, campaigns and strategy, ensuring that people with lived experience of mental ill health are at the heart of everything we do. 

Here are some of the Rethink Mental Illness activities that LEAB members have been involved in recently: 

  • Advising us on how best to involve people with lived experience of mental ill health in all we do as a mental health charity.  
  • Being involved in the recruitment of staff to the charity. 
  • Helping to shape our policy influencing work on mental health by advising us on the key issues that need to be addressed to improve mental health support. 
  • Being actively involved in our campaigning work.  
  • “It [LEAB] makes a difference in how the charity itself works on the frontline. Also, to the wider world as we make suggestions to shape policy and make change. The fact that we are helping to lead the organisation in their involvement work is huge. Us being successful in that can help other organisations push forward with engaging in involvement themselves too, which can only be of benefit to organisations and those who access their services.”

    Zoe, LEAB Member Zoe, LEAB Member

We are not currently recruiting to our Lived Experience Advisory Board. If you want to hear of future recruitment rounds to LEAB, or are interested in finding out about other involvement opportunities, please contact our Involvement Team:  
