We respond to government plans to exclude trans people from legislation to ban conversion therapy.

06 April 2022

We respond to government plans to exclude trans people from legislation to ban conversion therapy.

Mark Winstanley, Chief Executive, Rethink Mental Illness:

“Conversion therapy is deeply unethical and can cause devastating distress and harm to people’s mental health. We need a complete ban, which is why we are deeply disappointed to see that current government proposals look set to exclude trans people from being protected by this planned legislation. It’s impossible to comprehend a decision which would prove so damaging and not only go against current evidence, but the government’s own research.

“The government must urgently reconsider these plans to ensure trans people are included and protected, while making sure people questioning their gender identity or sexual orientation can access appropriate support when they need it. We stand together with everyone challenging this decision, and as a charity, we offer our continued support and solidarity to the trans community.”


Pride flag photo by Trey Musk on Unsplash - used under Creative Commons License.