You can help turn Housing into Hope

Hugo's Story - The Power of Supported Housing

Your donation could help provide more homes

This Winter, your donation will help Rethink Mental Illness continue to provide our support services for those severely affected by mental illness, including our housing services.

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Gift Aid

If you're a UK tax payer, £3 would be worth £3.75 with Gift Aid

When you give money to Rethink under Gift Aid, we will reclaim basic rate tax on that money - currently 25 pence to the pound. If you are a UK tax payer, this means that £1.00 would be worth £1.25 just so long as donations are made through Gift Aid. Imagine what a difference that could make and at no extra cost to you. We can only claim Gift Aid where your full name and home address is provided.

More about you

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We'd love to keep in touch with you about the work we do, and how your support (both financial and non-financial) could help more people severely affected by mental illness. Please select your preferred method of communication:

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From time to time, we will contact you by post regarding the impact of your donations and ways in which you can support us.

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Your details are safe with us - we will never sell your details to any third party.
Please see our Supporter Promise and our Privacy Policy.

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In this year's Winter Appeal we want to focus on our housing services. Our housing offers more than just a roof over your head - it provides a nurturing environment that transforms lives.

That's why our housing services are vital, providing a warm and welcoming safe place.